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Tips to Starting the Rebuilding Process After a Major Hurricane
No one can be “prepared” for the dramatic after effects of a hurricane. In fact, the emotional distress may far outweigh the physical damages that need to be fixed.
We know that rebuilding can feel like a troublesome task and depending on your skill level, it can also be overwhelming, painstaking and time consuming. As you are assessing the damage in your home; whether it’s from the wind or the rain, you should ask yourself, what are some of the important steps that I need to take?
1. Call Your Insurance Company
Right away, you need a plan of action. We suggest you call your insurance company to make a notation of all claims. Although this may be a very busy time for insurance companies, you want to get on the list so that they can get an adjuster out to you as soon as possible. (This is assuming you have home insurance.)
2. Document Everything
Take pictures and videotape as much as possible. Any and all notes that you can take will help to really document the extent of the damage.
3. If There is Damage to the Roof You Need to Cover it Up
If there was damage caused to the roof, cover it as soon as possible to prevent any other items from falling in. In situations where there have been any leaks you’ll want to get that humidity out of there as quickly as possible using dehumidifiers and fans.
4. Make a List of Contractors
Make sure you put together a list of contractors that are highly recommended that routinely do the type of work that you need done to your home.
5. Connect With Your Neighbors
If you don't have a local homeowners association that can provide some direction, you can consult with trusted neighbors and friends as you rebuild.
Rebuilding is not a process that should be rushed. Building supplies, tools and supplies are always available at H&L.