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How to shop for energy- efficient bulbs
In a move by CARICOM to become more energy efficient, in 2018 a mandate was made to start phasing out the use of incandescent light bulbs for more energy efficient bulbs.
These older styles of incandescent bulb gave off much of their energy through heat, making them less efficient. Newer bulb technology reduces this wasting of energy while providing the same amount of light. This decreases the amount of electricity used and the amount of money homeowners spend on it. If you’re not up on all the different styles of energy-efficient bulbs, keep reading to shed some light on the topic.
Get to Know Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs
There are several energy saving bulb options available at any one of our H&L Rapid True Value stores that last longer and produce close to or the same amount of output as your regular incandescent bulbs.
LED Light Bulbs
The LED light bulb uses at least 75% less energy and lasts 15 times longer than a standard incandescent bulb. They also turn on instantly without a warm-up time and give off much less heat than standard bulbs. Compared to a standard 60-watt incandescent bulb, an equivalent LED bulb can give off between 60 and 100 lumens per watt.
How to Shop for Energy-Efficient Bulbs
Energy-efficient bulbs are purchased by lumens instead of watts. Bulb packaging currently provides helpful information detailing how a bulb’s light output compares to traditional incandescent light output. For example, if you want the light output of a 100-watt bulb, look for a bulb that provides 1,600 lumens of light. Look for 800 lumens if you usually use a 60-watt bulb for light fixtures in your home. And, a CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) bulb that provides 450 lumens is equivalent to a traditional 40-watt bulb.
Why switch to energy efficient bulbs?
According to the EPA, there are 4 billion light bulb sockets in the U.S. and more than 3 billion of them still use standard incandescent light bulbs. Ninety percent of the electricity used by incandescent is lost as heat given off by the bulbs. Using energy-efficient light bulbs saves energy by requiring less electricity to work. When more people begin to use CFL and LED bulbs, it means reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants. The bulbs save electricity and help the environment at the same time.
Source: True Value